Don’t get sprung by Spring!
Spring - Sun comes out and with it the search for vitamin D and UV, exposing white pasty bodies and pimply blemished skin perfectly primed for a little overzealousness pre-summer tanning, and as we know too well inevitably this will all end in sunburnt tears.
Still, just like many of us see spring as the time to dust off the running shoes and training gear to start getting fit, at T&D we see Spring as an opportunity to get ahead of the pack and get your skin fit and healthy, so you can look and feel your best for those peak summer months ahead.
‘Skin fit’ just means healthy balanced skin. It’s about routine and not over-analysis on the one hand nor neglect on the other. It’s about balance and a measured disciplined approach. It’s about believing that small improvements every day beats a needle or a pill every time. It’s about rituals and routine and it’s about logic and common sense. So here it is T&D’s formula for healthy, fit, skin.
- Keep it ‘clean’; that means the daily use of a gentle natural cleanser - one that does not include alcohol or menthol in its formula, one that is soft and gentle on skin.
The key is dissolving unwanted surface oil that has spoiled with sunlight and grime without drying out the skin by stripping the good oil from beneath. No matter what the glossy mags say, avoid alcohol toners or cleansers of any kind – Alcohol should only be in your Martini not on your skin – do your skin a favour and take our word on this.
- Exfoliate – twice a week – like a deep cleanse, exfoliating properly will remove the top layer of dead skin where junk can catch and pockets of oil that have gathered get drawn out and washed away. But ‘go natural’, synthetic washes might (might) clean your skin but they do our rivers and lakes no favours at all, so keep it clean team – go natural all the way.
Remember with exfoliation it should be ‘once for business, once for pleasure’, meaning Mondays and Fridays will be enough. This allows your skin to recover and to balance out its natural oil production and flow – as Vanilla Ice will tell you, it’s all about flow.
Seriously we need to stop the boom and bust of oil production, your skin is not a western economy from the 80’s, it’s your protective layer and it needs to be respected, just take it slow and go easy- remember it’s about flow.
- Moisturise – this traps in the good oils and keeps skin plump and translucent. A great moisturiser should assist in regulating oil, whilst helping to calm blemishes and if possible create a sense of toning and lift – Gameface is a hero product when it comes to this.
But find a moisturiser that suits both your skin type and the way you use it. For example, some apply it only once a day others more often, some have oily skin and others dry skin so work out what works for you. But also be conscious that as you train your skin to health its needs might change. You can affect oil production through good routines and equally, you can avoid dry harsh skin through good routines.
So listen to your skin it will change in its requirements as you get it healthy.
By Dion from T&D